Friday, August 28, 2009

4 ILLS in life

spILLS (infant) - at the young age, we tend to spill things around when exploring our surroundings. touching and pushing everything in sight. My mom said i was a clumsy klutz during then, must have spilled alot.

thrILLS (teenage) - at this point, the curiosity to explore further into adulthood and the opposite sex creates a thrill among individuals. reason simply being, puberty. but of course in the later part of this stage, other thrills depending on interests will occur.

bILLS (adults) - and of course when work begins, so comes the bills. food, shelter, transport, utilities, entertainment etc etc kicks in. Independence is not free.

wILLS (senior citizens) - the time when you pen down your will for your surviving generations. time to have a good long rest. well....more like perma rest after that.


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